Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Week in Pictures

Today I had ten, ten friends at my house! It was awesome, most came in pairs and a bunch overlapped and it made me feel loved and wish I had a bunch of cucumber sandwiches and crumpets to offer instead of corndogs and water. TinaMarie insisted on taking me on a movie date and her obliging son Chandler was bribed with pizza and root beer to watch 3 wild babies. Saintly. We saw 'Crazy Stupid Love' starring Steve Carrell and the not very ugly Ryan Gosling. It reinforced my notion of soulmates being real and made me miss my mister. No pining allowed!

Speaking of misters, mine played a sold-out show in Winterthur, Switzerland tonight and they are currently driving 8 hours on no sleep to make it to Amsterdam by tomorrow. Sweaty pictures from the show here. I will now post an entire week's worth of photos. These are for you, Evan.

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