Thursday, September 29, 2011

Costume Season

Craft 'Til You Puke

Okay I guess I have a crafting problem. I'll tell you what it is, I used to be an artist and now I'm a Mommy. Of course these things aren't mutually exclusive but try spreading out a project on the kitchen table and leaving it out for more than five minutes with a 3 year old loose. You will have immediate rainbow chaos. It also gets frustrating to only be able to work on something for a few minutes each day, or begin working at 11pm after baby bedtime and dishes. Hence crafting. Something that Ruby and I can do together while Jesse naps which is just creative enough to keep me happy and just short enough to keep her interested. I also try to get out some of my creative energy in cooking experiments and fashion experiments. I am sorrowfully behind on my one real art project illustrating a children's book.

Pet rocks! No, paper weights? The perfect gift for all your myriad of gentleman business friends with very windy offices and a penchant for cute owls. Of course at our house they will probably end up as adorable weaponry.

We collected these smooth stones on one of our wagon walks. OKAY. We stole them from the apartment complex down the street. But! I would do much worse in the name of craft. It's not stealing unless you do it at night. With a flashlight. And knitted head wear.

Wash stones. Apply bright acrylic paint in amusing 70s shapes. Outline in sharpie and coat in acrylic gloss. Carry around in gay basket. Never do it again because it took way longer than you planned (3 days). I will let you guess which ones Ruby helped with...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kiss my Koffee

Sometimes, you're just really hard up for a baby sitter.

Okay, it's just Jeff, dressed as Gene Simmons, pretending to be me. Back in the baby Ruby days when we still had enough spare time to execute cockamamie photo schemes like this one.

I feel like I used to be funnier, weirder, but now I'm just tired all the time. Did all my life force go into my children? Are they using it to destroy my house? No. But sometimes it feels that way. Boundless energy encapsulated in cute, swaddled in diapers*, wrapped in a tortilla, popped into my mouth. Delicious naughty birds.

Anyway, "Unkie" Jeff Klein heads one of Evan's bands My Jerusalem that I've mentioned before and has a new blog and some free microphone and album giveaway. Thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and post these awesome old pictures and give you the link to win win win. Make sure you check out their new video featuring my mister playing every instrument.
Happy Tuesday!

*Ruby is finally potty trained!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Saucy Babies

How to win friends and influence people:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Here are some bits and pieces of our week and home, inspired by bleubird.
Jesse close up. Ruby with spy goggles. Deer collection. Rainbow books. Porridge for my three bears. Grafitti fish tank. Fig tree.