Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stuff on my Flashdance

We are doing ten loads of laundry, stocking up on g.o.r.p.* and tiny toiletries, overdosing on french pressed coffee beans and the band is squeezing in one last rehearsal before the long plane ride tomorrow. As 'sweet chariot' shakes the rafters and endears us to our neighbors I will introduce you to Flashdance, with whom Ruby is constantly vying for the title of "The Queen of the House".

Don't be fooled by her doe eyed fluffy innocence, Flashdance is an adept and ruthless killer, depositing headless doves and damp rodents on our ungrateful welcome mat. Though a bit on the pudgy side she defends our property valiantly from neighboring usurpers (with help from step sister Lola) and can climb a tree like a grey streak. Blessed with an undiscerning palate, I have caught her eating abandoned goldfish crackers, licking peanut butter, and even disposing of Lola's upchuck. Disgusting, but helpful.

Spending most of her time silently lounging on the deck and protecting Wolfie and Kathleen's next door chickens, she blesses us with her glorious presence when hungry or in rainy weather, treating us to a full view of curly belly hair and sandpaper kisses. I love you Flashdance, you naughty minx.

*good old raisins and peanuts

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