Sunday, August 28, 2011

No beef, Beef. No Fortune, Cookie.

Evan came home today!!! Finally. I don't know how single moms do it. I only once wanted to cry, then realized I hadn't eaten all day, and I only once thought about selling the children to the gypsies. Glad he was only gone two weeks! It is so good to have that scruffy smile back in the house, though he did fall asleep almost immediately. Now he's snoring and I'm blogging. Thanks for my romantic reunion, JETLAG.

My beef vermicelli for dinner arrived with no beef. My fortune cookie contained no fortune. What can it mean!??

Last night at work it was a hip hop show, and I was privileged to tend bar with our beloved Heidi (see teaching Ruby to fish picture) who has been filling in for her boyfriend, who of course, plays trumpet for My Jerusalem. We've been having a girls club pretty much every day since they left and I'm a little sad to break it up.

I have no love for rap music, the lyrics are crass and destructive to the poor kids who idolize the "artists" and it pretty much just sounds like barking dogs to me. That being said, I love me some good hip hop. Hip hop is less about image and money and more about dancing. You have a higher chance of finding a melody in hip hop and it definitely spans a much wider variety of fans with the foot stomping beats and chant worthy lyrics. A Tribe Called Quest is still my all time favorite, but the guys who played last night, SKP (SubKulture Patriots), besides calling me Sweetheart all night were pretty fun. "My name is Shayla." "What?" "Shayla!"

Did I mention it was 110 degrees in Austin today? Note our golden scorched lawn.
I hope you enjoy these very silly pictures of Ruby and I wearing matching outfits. She picked hers all by herself and it was so close to something I had worn to work last week I thought it should be documented. Besides, it is my God-given right as a mommy to be totally ridiculous. You would do it if you were me.