Monday, August 15, 2011

It's a Mod Mod Ruby

Well, the band* made it to the airport without incident yesterday and I assume they are in London by now, but no word yet. Probably standing in a queue for the loo to wash the blood pudding off of their jumpers and Bob's your uncle. Or something.

I wasn't going to mention this because it sounds like we may live in squalor, (we don't, I swear) but I can't stop thinking about it! I was bathing Jesse in the kitchen sink and Flashdance chased a MOUSE around and around my ankles and I screamed my bloody head off like a bad sitcom. Now she's on a stake-out and hasn't averted her gaze from the crack under the stove in over 2 hours. I'm afraid of finding gore in the morn but kinda proud that she's doing her kitty job so faithfully.

Yesterday was really rough because besides saying goodbye to Evan for two weeks I was fighting off sickness and recovering from a huge night at work where I swear I made over 1000 drinks. My feet and head ache, my back aches, and thank God I wore tights under my miniskirt because the amount of squatting I did would impress a pioneer. The bands were so gentlemanly and talented to boot! Brownout** is one of the funkiest bands in Texas and their friends The Funk Ark, touring from D.C brought the shakes to all hips in the house. Thanks guys. Then I slept for 3 hours and awoke to my customary Ruby flavored live giggling blanket.

Speaking of Ruby, please enjoy her Sunday mod style.

*Evan looks really cute in this video. What? I can say that!

**this video is not from this weekend, but it is from club deville- too bad they played inside that night, it is much more epic outdoors in front of the limestone cliff

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