Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fun with glass crayons

I realized last night that the reason I couldn't fall asleep until around 3 in the morning for the last two weeks (no matter how early I went to bed) was because Evan wasn't next to me. In the middle of a game of 'Pandemic!' I nearly allowed the entire population of Ho Chi Minh City to be eradicated by the black plague because my eyes refused to stay open. AT 11PM. I left Evan and the health of the world in the capable hands of Steve the engineer and slept like a drugged baby.

One of the things Evan brought back from Europe besides dirty clothes and a beard was a box of oil crayons especially made for drawing on glass. Ruby and I explored their possibilities while Jesse napped (without the aid of substances)

Thanks to Kathleen and Emma for the fresh eggs and fresh company, we are hoping to supplement their diminished flock of biddies with some of our own soon, keep your fingers crossed!


Alison Vaclav said...

The 'spank zone' photo made. my. day!

Shayla said...

It's funny because it's true, Alison.