Wednesday, August 3, 2011

hermanas hermosas

The last day my sisters were here was a tease, we had to be at the airport at 5pm. But! We did swim. Barton Springs was cold, blue, and bumpin' as per usual. We flaunted our pale winter physiques and pretended to be mermaids with our dork goggles, relishing the perfect underwater silence, waving green plants and occasional fish.

The babies were so excited we could barely hold on to their wet chubbiness. I opted for my "full coverage" swimming costume, and the "poo bottom" was indeed slippery, causing not a few ungraceful moments and high frequency yelping.

I hope I showed them mountain gals a good ole time and that they will come on down here and raise up a passel of young'ns on the music ranch I dreamed up. Please. I miss you!

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