Sunday, November 27, 2011

kitty nest

Autumn. The time of year when kitties build their winter nests and spiky desert plants have blankets of cool bright leaves.

Well, at least MY cat builds winter nests. Good kitty.

We like to tell Ruby that Lola is a striped cat. Black with black stripes.

We also like to tell her that if she doesn't eat her breakfast she will grow a beard. She doesn't quite believe us, but when we declare we see a hair or two sprouting from her chin she definitely yowls and scarfs a few extra bits of apple.

I looking forward to using the 'pool shark' threat. You know, if you don't wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming- the pool shark can smell the pepperoni on your breath and will gobble you up like a sweet, screaming bon bon.

Did your parents utilize mythological tactics to get you to behave? I'd love to add more to my arsenal.

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