Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Inlaws and Outlaws

Lookit! Lookit my awesome parents! My uncles! Aunt Gayle?! Lookit their surly mean cowboy faces! This is one of the many reasons I love my family. Besides the same wild blood coursing through our veins, we have the same sense of humor, don't take ourselves too seriously, and we love to dress up.

Apparently, while Evan and I were down here in the city trying to talk Pops into dressing up as a cowboy, my own father has been doing THE EXACT SAME THING to my entire family. And taking pictures. (those are real guns, you guys)

I haven't done a post on my own mom and dad yet because I didn't have very good or recent pictures, and bam! Here ya go. That is my dad, Aaron and my Mom, Robin there at the top. They are pretty much the shit. (Sorry for swearing Mam, but you are) They are artists, writers, believers, off-roaders, laughterists, cat lovers, children raisn' newspaperman&lady and two of the most phenomenal people to ever print God's green earth with two feet. They deserve a book, not a paragraph, but sheesh, it's almost midnight already. I love thems.

The cool part about these people "dressing up" as cowboys is that they actually do live in the wilderness and these aren't really costumes at all. My folks live on the continental divide up in Colorado at 9,300 feet where it snows 9 months out of the year and they don't have dirt, only gravel, which is just broken up mountain anyway. They run a small newspaper, The Weekly Register Call, chop firewood for their stove and drive 4x4s through the shivering aspen trees and hairpin turns, hauling Californians and ill-prepared hippies out of snowy ditches on a regular basis.

Uncles Glen and Kevan live in Great Falls, Montana and are a surgeon and pilot who get their thrills saving peoples' lives, flying jets, protecting my cute grandma from prowlers and cultivating cool beards.

Jeff and Gayle are a matched pair of the dying breed of true farmers from Leoti, Kansas. They run a lodge, a catering business and a whole passel of cows, horses, sheep, combines, tractors, cornfields, wheat, you name it. They chop off the heads of rattlesnakes and shoot coyotes from their porch.

This is only a fraction of my amazing and quite large family. We are good stock.

I may live in Texas and regularly wear cowgirl boots, but these cats have earned the fashion more than I, and may they continue to be the salt of the population for 100 more years. Each.

1. Mam
2. Daddo
3. Uncle Glen
4. Uncle Kevan
5. Uncle Jeff
6. Aunt Gayle
7. Mam in duster