Monday, November 21, 2011

Green-Clean Bicycle Queen

Here is some flier art I recently did for my dear friend TinaMarie's Eco housecleaning business. Here's her credo:

"I'm a home-making single mama and clean-happy domestician who loves to share her joy of cleaning with others... greenly, that is. My intention and work is to bring the same meticulous attention to detail and care that I bring to my own home so I can bless the lives and homes of others who, like many of us, wish for a little help from a cleaning fairy every once in a while. So stop wishing! Call the Green-clean Bicycle Queen to expunge, refine, and illuminate your home."

This is not a "sexy maid" service, but she can't help being so anyway. She will ride her bike you your house and make it sparkle using things like lavender, baking soda, vinegar, tea tree, magic, love, and hand-made candles. She has a grillion dollar vacuum that will devour all manner of allergens and uninvited dust bunnies. I plan on hiring her to detail my pregnant friend's house before she has a home birth so that it is perfect and sanitary for a newborn, and if you've never been pregnant I can tell you right now that anything below waist level gets filthy by month 5.

All the money goes toward supporting her two young boys, so you can feel triple-y awesome about it. Email her at:

then eat your organic tofu scramble with free trade tomatoes directly off the kitchen floor.

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