Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Four Eyes

This is for you Brooke! Although it makes me cringe a bit to see so many pictures of my face in a row I did promise my sister to take photos of myself in my brand spankin' new spectacles. I'll admit to a secret delight in coming up with "outfits" and wearing full make-up in the daytime for a change.

The cat-eye frames are a throwback style but new design by Jai Kudo and the 80s nerd glasses are just that, actual vintage frames from the back stockroom of a mom and pop eye wear store here in Austin. The eye doctor broke it to me that I would probably never be able to get laser surgery because my eyes are shaped like cones, which also makes it hard to wear contacts. Hence, going for broke on new frames. The clerk at the store snorted when he saw the scratched up mall specials I'd been squinting through for eight years and all but patted me on the head and said "Poor baby, you'll see much better now."

He was right. I have wrinkles??!

*photos by felicia graham


Han Stoney said...

ha, love them! Thanks for the recommendation too -- my own mall specials now fall off my face every time I look downwards, as you can imagine that's just perfect when you're looking after small children!

oh and p.s. you should feature your face more often, you're a style queen.

Jennifer Lee said...

Hello gorgeous! You really can rock many a different look with these two. Is that woman on the porch really related to the Alcott fan on the couch? Chameleon Storms!

Shayla said...

ha! You guys with your nice mouths. Love me some Louisa May! Come play dress-up at my house any day, please.

Schoonmoeder said...

It's official: I'm signing on for a makeover a la Shayla!