Friday, September 2, 2011

Band of the Week: Norman

Here are some photos from our family outing yesterday to Amy's ice cream on South Congress. It seems like we eat a lot of ice cream doesn't it? I guess we eat it so infrequently that it always makes it onto the blog. Besides, when you are a kid the ice cream store is totally magical, a land where everything is sweet and creamy and your parents don't mind if you get your clothes filthy. I wish I still had baby eyes, because when I go to the ice cream shop I see sticky chairs, acne-ravaged teen staff and prices that would make my grandma blush. It was totally awesome.

When Ruby got home she confessed "My stomach hurts. I ate too much candy." Oops. We split a small cone! Buttered toast it is.

I had to turn right back around and go to work but it was such an entertaining evening that I can't believe I got paid. I saw old friends (I love you Moschella and Demling), everyone had a good time, and both bands were exemplary, in my humble opinion. The first band, Norman was such a pleasant surprise for a Thursday. Hanging their hats in our sister city of Portland, Oregon they were alternately languid and rockin'. A splash of country and lovely melodies and they had won me over. I am terrible at describing the sound of a band, so decide for yourself and watch the live clip below. Thanks for the free album, Eric. That was a good tip.

The headlining band was from Austin and even featured some friends of mine but I can't quite remember their name...Blast! I think it was Buffalo King? They were great but it was hard to tell because my ears were bleeding. Recommendation fail. I would instead like to redirect you to Devin's other band The Salesmen. They will rock you up AND sharpen your knives.

Moral of the day is: Tip your pizza guy well, because he might just make beautiful music on his days off and be on Letterman the next time you are eating said pepperoni.

Moral of the day 2: Don't be too chatty with a pair of swingers while wearing tight jeans, they WILL try to take you home with them to the Motel 6 across the highway.


Shayla said...

It was Lord Buffalo. LORD BUFFALO!

Sometimes Life is Bliss And Sometimes Not ! said...

love ur family awesome

Sometimes Life is Bliss And Sometimes Not ! said...

omg swingers hahaha ! I just do not know about swinging ! I mean to each their own but I am busy enough trying to keep the marriage and my kids together imagine the drama :) to each their own right !