Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sugar Gliding

I am so OVER sloths. I hereby declare sugar gliders the hottest animal of the season.

Look at those stripes. Those flower petal ears. Those limpid eyes.

I've always wanted one of these ever since I met a man in the video store as a child who had several pikachu looking things darting in and out of his coat sleeves. Unfortunately I think you have to be a bachelor who still lives with your mom the be a good sugar glider owner.

They are extremely attached to their caretakers and become ill if you leave them locked up. They love to nestle in velvet pouches that you tie to your clothing so they can be with you at all times, at the ready to steal grapes and freak out some grannies. And help you lose that job you hate.

*photo source: one. two.

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