Monday, February 6, 2012

Sell Out

I've really done it this time. After careful consideration I've decided to allow ads on the edges of the blog. I know! So tacky.

I've realized that my pride is worth less than heating my house and putting peanut butter on the table, and if someone is willing to pay me to do something I love, that I am currently doing for free? Sweet. Less time doing work and more time home with my babies.

All of my favorite blogs also have ads, so I guess I'm in good company. I may hate it and take it down immediately, but if they pull key words from my actual writing these ads will be hawking handmade goods, vintage kid's toys, mexican food and books.

Let me know what you guys think, and if you happen to be a lonesome grillionaire looking for a worthy cause I know of a highly talented rock band who can't finish an album due to working beggarly day jobs...

*photo source

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