Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to the Sick Ward

We got bronchitis for Christmas. Holed up in la casa with blankets, movies, soup, smoothies, kitties, pot stickers, hankies and a boatload of hippie vitamins and homeopathic nonsense.

We just watched Rango, starring Johnny Depp as a pet lizard lost in a desert full of hardened desperados and I loved it. Astounding animation, thrilling scrapes and escapes and highly satisfying cowboy vernacular. Very recommended but they do drop a coupla 'damns' and h-e-double hockey sticks if you have impressionable munchkins about. No blood, insinuated demise a couple of times and the squashing of a predatory hawk. SEE IT. Children not required.

Wasting time on youtube...
Waiting to watch Bridesmaids until babies are dreaming of sugarplums tonight and I have shirked all housework.

Aargh! Camera has refused to upload any photos, may have lost christmas pictures. I hate you, technology.

*photo source

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