Sunday, January 29, 2012

Books: a lifelong love affair

In this house we collect books like a lumberjack collects flapjacks. In his belly. Hmm. I'm trying to say that we go to the library, dollar bookstore and half-price bookstore at least once a week, lugging armloads of lightly used adventure back to our hoarding cave.

Here are four delightful books for children that I highly recommend for your own collection, 3 of which were read to me as a child. What a true joy to be reading them to my own babies and to cultivate a love of books in those unsuspecting little melons!

Blueberries for Sal, 1948 by Robert McClosky

The Snail and the Whale, by Julia Donaldson

the Little Bear series, 1970s by Else Homelund Minarik (pictures by Maurice Sendak!)

The Hair Book, 1984 by Graham Tether

book tree. kitschy, not kid friendly

You never know when you will need skills of stealth, people.


miss james said...

so good! we have some of these but not all. ;) xo.

Alison said...

ok, we must schedule a playmate so you can teach me the ninja stealth secrets. Seriously, I don't have time to read books so a "cliffs" note version would be great. Or maybe you could do a vlog?!!!

Shayla said...

I pretty much only get to read kid books aloud, so I admit, I've only looked at the pictures of ninjas slinking around behind an unsuspecting soldier's back, which are pretty funny. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a playdate anyway. A vlog sounds terrifying.

Alison said...

Are you kidding me Shayla? You would rock the vlog like nobody's business!! Play date, yes indeed! I'll email you. Also, speaking of birthdays, I'm considering getting a Berkey for mine. Do you think it's a worthwhile investment?