Monday, January 16, 2012

Soupy Soiree

What happens when you mix 10 kids, a trampoline, two cats and a pile of cookies together and shake vigorously? A PARTY, that's what.

The good-looking parents and I sipped coffee and split pea soup and discussed trending topics, conversations punctuated by the kissing of grazed knees and refreshing of diapers. They bore gifts of fresh bread, ice cream and flowers and I have to say it was actually easier than a normal day at my house because of all the extra pairs of watchful eyes and helping hands. The other children kept my beasts from clamoring at my apron strings for entertainment and I was free to chop veggies and grind coffee beans to my heart's content. Evan spent the day in the studio recording on the new Tacks record and he missed a riotous good time and cuteness to rival all things cute.

Ruby shared her toys, nobody lost blood, and no babies drank toxic chemicals. Success!

  1. Quizzical Quinn
  2. Austin teaching Jesse how to be the boss
  3. Critical mass
  4. Robin a.k.a. Levi manfully dismounts
  5. bounce!
  6. evidence of fun
  7. cute ladies: Elia, Ariel, Alison, Lil' Hannah
  8. Hannah's awesome hair, Justin and Alison referees
  9. "Hey Kitty! I got some luck for ya right here."
  10. Falling asleep while partying= party foul


Alison said...

You forgot to add that you are the hostess with the mosses, not showing even the slightest distress at having all these parents and kiddos overrun your house!! The soup was SOUPER DELISH on top all the other goodies. Funnest MLK Day I've ever had.

Alison said...

Hostess with the Mostest, is what I meant but I'm sure you're a moss-master too.

Sarah said...

Ahh I love it! I can't wait to see them again! I'm coming back in March! Coffee taco playtime :)

Shayla said...

Oh you ladies! I crave constant fun, please don't give me credit for getting my fix. Love your faces.