Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Winter Dolly

This is why none of you received awesome presents from me this year, because I was working on a doll for my Rubygirl with unbelievably elaborate hair. I hand stitched each strand (while watching all 3 Lethal Weapon vhs), painted the face with a tiny brush and scoured the toy stores in town for an ice skating outfit of the right proportions since I ran out of time to sew one myself.

Dubbed "Wilhemina the Winter Girl" Ruby professed instant love for her, dashing to her room to change into a matching dress, and convinced me to twist her hair into the same style. They are now happily napping (the very first toy Ruby has allowed into her bed!) and have grand travel plans to see snow together in Colorado tomorrow.

I've been perusing dolls for a couple of months now, but I hate all of them! They are gap toothed, slutty, homely, un-huggable worthless monsters. All I wanted was a medium sized soft doll with a quaint dress, a pretty face, and cool hair. It doesn't exist, so I had to make one myself. This dolly will be loved to shreds and I look forward to adding to her vintage inspired wardrobe and styling her glorious yarn coif. Eat it, Toys'R'Us.

1 comment:

Han Stoney said...

Incredible! Well done you, I especially love her face. Wowsers.