Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Family on Film

Ruby starred in her second music video in one week today. SECOND IN ONE WEEK. Should I be worried? The first was a new "Tacks" video for an old song, filmed and finished by my old friend John Donofrio (we used to work in the movies together) and the second a new video for the band "Explosions in the Sky" put together by my other old friend Annie Gunn. Oh, and I'm in the second one too, good thing they aren't using the audio, because I "act" about as well as I dance, like an octopus falling out of a tree.

More shooting tomorrow... 1950s costumes, slow-motion filming and Evan and Jungleman getting some face time as well. Watch out Hollywood! You can't have my cute family! You are the devil! I will hide them in a goat barn in Denton where you can't steal their goodness.

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