Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Band of the Week: Dead Confederate

How about a band recommendation? There aren't many of those on the internet! Here is a photo of Heidi and I, at work, not working. Instead we got to "rock out with our socks? out?" terrible. I'm sorry.

I like this band: Dead Confederate. I'd never heard much about them but they played DeVille during the recent festival and won me over. Their live show is quite a bit heavier than my usual taste but it was just what I wanted at that moment, they still managed to be melodic while crashy and cliff shaking. When I got home I looked them up and they are from Athens, Georgia, home of one of my other favorite bands Neutral Milk Hotel. Their recorded stuff isn't heavy in the slightest, which impressed me because it is hard to make a pretty record and even harder to make a pretty record sound super manly onstage.

Keep it up, Guys.

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