Saturday, April 14, 2012

I have a "thing" for mariachi bands

I do. They are so mobile and smiling! They are like a time machine embellished in gold braid. Years ago someone hired a mariachi band to follow them around on their birthday and ended up at my place, where it quickly became a giant impromptu neighborhood dance party. The magic of the mariachi brought a couple hundred strangers together and it was so human and so jubilant and so ridiculous. I'll never forget it.


Sarah said...

ahhh this is so cute!

Han Stoney said...

Mariachi bands eh? I can see that. They have a kind of tender-absurd magic. But I don't think anything beats a marching band in procession. If we ever throw a party together, perhaps we could hire a *mariarching* band.

Shayla said...

Hannah! You know we have to throw a party together now, just for an excuse to make tshirts emblazoned with the word Mariarching. Genius.