Friday, July 29, 2011

We are to Fiesta

This post title was a bit of an inside joke, originating from a week of baby birthday parties we attended. So many in fact, that Ruby woke up in the morning declaring "We are to party?" because that's what we do. Incidentally it became a family saying, and Fiesta is our wonderful Mexican grocery, which of course means 'party' in spanish. Aaaand joke is no longer funny due to over-explaining by mommy.

Anyhow, I love Fiesta! It is never busy during normal busy times, they have roasted corn carts and fresh bolillos, and the produce is abundant, exotic and affordable. They have an awesome international foods section where you can find the real Heinz baked beans for your english breakfasts, Salvadorian crema (divine!) all manner of strange pastes
and spices, and your sundry Asian noodles.

You can also fill your larder with actual lard, which they sell in buckets. I usually lean more towards olive oil, but to each his own! Pork rinds the size of Rhode Island! I took a few pictures of Ruby and my adventure there, she enjoying a pumpkin empanada and I squeezing and sniffing papayas. Papayas are an acquired taste, like scotch, or my singing. They smell a little like feet but they are delicious and a beautiful deep coral color inside with a buttery texture. Ruby is shown holding a dragon fruit, and the other weird things are tuna (looks like prickly pear), nopals (cactus), serrano peppers, tamarind sugar, crazy giant squash and the brown egg shaped things are mamey, which I bought one of but have yet to carve up. Interesting mamey facts here, the seed has magical properties!

God bless you Fiesta, my one stop, gold jewelry, balloon animals, face painting, cell phone, carpet seller, sno-cone, housewares, macho salve, chicken feet, tres leches, hoochie diva fashion store.

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