Tuesday, July 19, 2011

books, records, wagons and treasure

Hooray for new books. I unearthed an unused gift card leftover from Christmas and had a very mild spree online ordering three beautiful picture books for those babies, insatiable readers! After burning holes in the mailwoman (mailperson? mailamerican.) with my eyes for a week they finally arrived. 'Children Make Terrible Pets' by Peter Brown, 'A Sick Day for Amos McGee' by Phillip C. Stead, pictures by Erin E. Stead (husband and wife? I hope so, that's dang romantic!) Seriously. I want to do that. Also 'the Quiet Book' by Deborah Underwood, pictures by Renata Liwska.

I love them all but the illustrations in "A Sick Day...' make my little artist heart swoon. If I were a teen I would rip them all out and tape them in my locker with hearts drawn around them. Don't get me wrong, I mean, huh! I still look like a teen.
(Actually I do get carded buying wine if I leave the babies at home, but it could be the braids and cartoon shirts that Evan routinely allows me to leave the house wearing.)

Aging. It happens. It is really interesting to be at the age where half of my friends look balding and paunchy and the other half still look lithe and fashionable. From what I can deduce it's routine that makes you old. Not alcohol, drugs, giving birth, or a constant diet of Mexican food. It seems like people who work in offices look the same age as our parents, and people who work weird jobs and have crazy schedules where every day is different stay youthful indefinitely. Not a hard and fast rule of course but you won't catch me dead in a cubicle. I digress...

We spent all morning reading and listening to records and after bribing Ruby to 'nap' by promising her a lollipop I sneaked in a lifesaving shower and was busted by Evan talking on the phone in my birthday suit. Ruby and I watched the rain from the front porch and she dashed around getting muddy and singing rain songs while I drank really strong coffee and Jesse slumbered like only darling dimpled babies can.

After a late lunch of leftover fried fish we pumped up the beefy tires of our monster truck rally pull-wagon and set off for an adventure to the second hand store. (a million miles away and uphill) Mommy worked off the fish and any extra moisture she may have had stored up, we counted kitties and only stole one flower. I dragged the lot into the glorious coolness of Savers and Ruby clambered out to inspect all breakables. We did find some treasure in the form of a new ( too pink for my taste ) hat for Rubes, a bag of various polished rocks and crystals, a seafoam saki tea set with little coy fish chopstick rests, some strange Japanese bendy toys with pop off hairdos, an awesome vintage cat night light and a throw pillow with the two colors of our mismatched couches that, to quote The Big Lebowski "Really tied the room together."

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