Wednesday, March 14, 2012

guest post: "PEELANDER-Z. For the Family" by Allen Demling

SXSW…you know, for kids!

If you’re like me, one of the reasons you enjoy reading the Mama Storms blog is to relive those carefree youthful years, before bills, jobs, rent and slowing metabolisms ruined everything. Watching Ruby and Jesse pretend the rug is lava and pillows islands of safety, or the trampoline is the surface of the moon and you’re searching for extra terrestrial Barbie dolls, brings back those times for me. But there is another way! Take a vacation to Planet Peelander! And you can even bring the whole family (it is *mostly* kid friendly).

Peelander-Z is, as they themselves put it, a “Japanese Action Comic Punk band hailing from the Z area of Planet Peelander”. With songs like Mad Tiger, Ninja High School, So Many Mike (about how Planet Earth has So Many Mike), etc they keep things very fun and tongue-in-cheek. They also bring a pretty raucous stage show too that includes banging pots and pans, human bowling, life sized Mad Tiger and a bass player that loves hanging upside-down and jumping off tall places.

I love watching these guys go crazy every year and usually end up joining in the madness. I have been fortunate to meet these guys and they are all extremely nice and accommodating. They even let several of the Austin Facial Hair Club crash on their practice space floor in NYC when we were up visiting last year. Do yourselves a favor, check out this band. And as an added bonus for those with kids, they are hosting the Peelander Family Jamboree on Sunday the 18th, don’t miss that show!

Here’s a list of some Peelander shows during SXSW:

Wednesday March 14th, 4:30pm at Elysium, corner of Red River and 7th St

Thursday March 15th, 6:15pm at Kebabalicious, E. 7th and Navasota (all ages)

Firday March 16th, 5:45pm at Threadgill’s downtown, Barton Springs and Riverside (this one costs money)

Saturday March 17, 6:25pm at The Grackle, 1700 E. 6th St (all ages)

Sunday March 18th, all day, Springdale Farm, 755 Springdale Rd (kids show!)

All photos stolen from the internet by Allen Demling the Beard King, except for the last one, in which he is pictured smooching Peelander Green. Thank you Allen! I hope you find 100 dollars floating in a pool of Lonestar this week. It could happen.

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