Oh, South by Southwest. My busiest week of the year, we have about 12 bands per day at the club in which I work, and we all subsist off of 2 hours of sleep per night, coffee injected directly into our veins, crushed crackers and warm cazadores. I meant to do a nice informative post about it before the fact, but now 5 days in, not having glanced at a computer- I don't really trust myself to type too much english. 5 more days to go! I invited some of my clever friends and family who weren't completely swamped this week to do some guest blog posts in my stead, I hope you enjoy them!

R.I.P. Leslie, you belligerent homeless drag queen, I guess the Mexicali police never did catch you.

Thank you Orla Kiely for making it hot for my inner nerd to wear black socks with sandals. You read my secret fashion heart when you made this video!

I was really looking forward to rocking some spring fashion at the festival this year with short belted dresses and straw hats, but the first four days were all galoshes and black tears mascara with the monsoon-like weather.

I'm leaving Evan in charge of the blog and the house AND the babies, though he's playing five or six shows. I'm sure nothing will suffer. ha! There is a loud rock band practicing in my house this very second. If you're the praying sort, send some thoughts the way of my feet and Evan's sanity.
the Storms monsters
*photo sources: 6th street sxsw, rain crowd
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