Saturday, September 8, 2012

"sleep"overs and newlyweds

Sleepovers. We're having two in a row. Last night was my house, tonight is Ariel's. Chaos weekend- Evan has three shows, I work two nights until nearly 4am and today is our five year anniversary. We did it! That's some kind of mile marker right? We still love each other and everything! We haven't sold our children to the gypsies (though it's a regular threat). If I cared about receiving gifts I would demand an awesome one. As it is, I pretty much only care about coffee, and I get that every day. We'll celebrate later this week, at least we didn't both forget like last year.

I have so many pictures from the last fortnight (sorry, reading too much Thomas Hardy in bed) that it is quite daunting. Brooke's wedding, mountain adventuring, Madison's bridal shower, shaving cream fight. I'll tackle the sifting and cropping soon, and luckily my best Alison already did an awesome post about said shaving cream, (with lot's of unwarranted compliments to me) which you can enjoy HERE.

 This is my favorite photo from the Central City nuptials yet, can't wait to see the rest! Huzzah Brooke and David! LUCKY B-WORD DAVID.


Jennifer Lee said...

I love how you give Ruby and Jesse so many opportunities to create and enJOY life. You inspire me not to spend too much time gnashing my teeth over dirty socks in my family room, uncapped markers strewn about, etc. Boo hiss. Bless you in your mothering, sister!

Shayla said...

Ha! YOU inspire ME to try and do dishes right after eating instead of leaving them for the kitties to furtively lick. Thank you for the lovely compliment, needless to say it is reciprocated tenfold- you bake, you have an orderly home, you dance party, and you have double the children! I'm trying to catch up. :)