Thursday, March 8, 2012

Not Slumbering, party

Birthday part third: Waffle dinner with an option to slumber, a.k.a. stuff toddlers with candy and syrup then tell them it's bedtime. HAHAHA. Here are a handful of shots of the mild chaos- low light and dancing subjects making for blurry memories. I would have liked to invite at least 10 more sweet kids that I know but I tried to be realistic about my own sanity and the legroom in our little house. The waffles made the house smell like magic, and we topped them with berries and reeses piec-i, maple syrup, butter, nutella, bananas, walnuts and chocolate sprinkles. Kiddos and grown-ups alike were tucking the warm treats into their smiles and washing it down with milk.

We played "dress up", "how many people can we fit into the playtent", "let's see what every single toy in the house looks like on the floor", and "parents furtively sip cerveza while distracting monsters with fun movies". We got them pajama'd in increments, said good nights to mommies and daddies and snuggled into a pile of blankets by 10:30, whence they giggled until midnight and passed out from sheer exhaustion.

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