Saturday, March 24, 2012

MURAL MATCH: Brentwood Mosaic

Our second (actually first official) mural in our Mural Match project. Okay okay it's a mosaic. But so big! Getting two squirrelly monsters to stand still in front of a wall when there are slides in sight is something one should probably only do for hard cash but me? I do it for...pure silliness I guess.

Lucky for me I was joined by my friend Sarah (we used to work art department on feature films together) and her sweet Scottish boyfriend Arun and they gamely agreed to be ridiculous with us. These globescamperers have been living in an adorable house boat in Amsterdam for months (fight waves of green jealousy) not only that- they get paid to take exotic vacations together, Sarah taking the pictures and Arun writing articles. Yep. Poor things. Thank your stars we can live vicariously through them, check out Arun's muli-talents with music and writing at and Sarah's beauteous camera skills and my new favorite blog at Seriously? I can't believe I didn't know she had one because every last thing she puts up I want to re-post. Art, food, photos, movies, culture, travel, so wonderful! Do yourself a good turn and frequent her corner of the web.

This particular large piece of art I chose because not only is it in my neighborhood but it happens to be at the very playground we frequent, literally a few short leaps away from the same kickball field in which I spent many a dusty Sunday in my twenties forging strong friendships and never scoring goals. Runs? Whatever. This is my neighborhood. I love it. I used to drive to Austin when I was in high school in a car full of waifish girls to try to sneak into rock shows with our older guy pals, go swimming in unchlorinated waters and swing lazily in hammocks with a belly full of tacos.(2 blocks from here) It was the first Austin neighborhood I ever called home when I moved here eleven years ago and now I'm back, family in tow. (only one street over, it's like this barrio owns me)

I tried to look up who did the darn thing and instead I found a charming little 12 minute movie about the history of the hood. Most of the houses were built in the early 1950s and many of the original tenants remain, peppered with young families like mine and tons of character. A woman in the movie gathers her little community together to make a welcome wall mosaic to emblazon the bricks in front of the old mom'n'pop grocery and beauty salon. I wouldn't be surprised if she were behind this one too. It reads "Write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world." Sappy? yes. You like it anyway.

This mural was easy to match because it had almost every color, and the pictures look great because I didn't take them, Sarah did. Have a hankering to know all about an obscure patch of Texas? No problem:

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