Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Snips and Snaps

Evan is on set right now, filming his first day of the short Sometimes Island, a screenplay by Richbo Jensen. With his Peter Pan good looks and smashing new Dennis Leary hair cut (by yours truly) he plays Ryan- a high school heartthrob with a heart of gold. Actually, I don't know much about it, but I do know that he is the [spoiler alert!] last to die, which I'm pretty sure means he's the STAR. I'm so proud.

After a failed attempt at shaving with my dull lady glide razor and a frenzied search for the cable to his electric shaver this morning he broke down and drove to the drug store for some Bics. Now I actually do feel like I'm smooching a high school kid. So smooth! Ruby is so unused to seeing a man shave that over Christmas she saw David all lathered up and asked incredulously "What. Are you doing." It's a good thing I like scruff, because Evan can grow a beard in like, 3 hours. Unlike my father, who can't grow one to save his life. Sorry Daddo, keep trying!

We've just been watching How to Train Your Dragon which is totally awesome. It's a DreamWorks movie featuring vikings and dragons battling and burninating the village! They have amazing beards (this recommendation is for you guys, Alex and Allen) and the weakling boy befriends and tames one, riding him amongst the clouds and eventually making his bloodthirsty traditional, axe wielding father proud. This film touched a tender place where little girl Shayla lives because I always loved books where a youngster tames a wild mustang and rides it triumphantly through town, and forever was wishing that I could talk to animals. I remember harassing all the feral barn cats at my Grandma's farm every summer, trying with infinite patience to win their confidence and affection. Now I know better. It's just like taming children! Starve them in a small room for a couple of days, then play the rescuer with fresh water and a can of tuna. Works every time.

That's enough nonsense for today. I will leave you with A lovely song and a cyber kiss.

  1. matchy christmas pj magic
  2. rubios guapos
  3. Alex
  4. ice cream and hairstyling
  5. wishing for a stapler
  6. trampoline imps

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