Monday, January 30, 2012

Ruby Style

Ruby's impending 4th birthday is making me a bit nervous, don't they start remembering things at age 4? No more keggers for the parents, I have to do something just for her this year. I guess I'd better hone my mommying skills to a spotless perfection in the next few weeks or she might remember all the accidental swearing and burnt chicken nuggets and not buy me a house in Costa Rica with the money from her hit albums.

I'm excited about her becoming my new art partner, today we made sock puppets! I'm also excited about the new Wes Anderson movie. Shut up. No I'm not an
ironic hipster film snob.

  1. (I don't know if you can tell, but she's wearing a green tutu and a ribbon in her hair from a present) Cyndi Lauper Ruby
  2. Jane Birkin red sailor Ruby
  3. Ruby looking like some kind of teenager?!
  4. Vintage dress coffeeshop Ruby
  5. London Fog fighting lip Ruby
  6. Gypsy coin skirt basket case Ruby

Collect all six!

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