Thursday, September 29, 2011

Craft 'Til You Puke

Okay I guess I have a crafting problem. I'll tell you what it is, I used to be an artist and now I'm a Mommy. Of course these things aren't mutually exclusive but try spreading out a project on the kitchen table and leaving it out for more than five minutes with a 3 year old loose. You will have immediate rainbow chaos. It also gets frustrating to only be able to work on something for a few minutes each day, or begin working at 11pm after baby bedtime and dishes. Hence crafting. Something that Ruby and I can do together while Jesse naps which is just creative enough to keep me happy and just short enough to keep her interested. I also try to get out some of my creative energy in cooking experiments and fashion experiments. I am sorrowfully behind on my one real art project illustrating a children's book.

Pet rocks! No, paper weights? The perfect gift for all your myriad of gentleman business friends with very windy offices and a penchant for cute owls. Of course at our house they will probably end up as adorable weaponry.

We collected these smooth stones on one of our wagon walks. OKAY. We stole them from the apartment complex down the street. But! I would do much worse in the name of craft. It's not stealing unless you do it at night. With a flashlight. And knitted head wear.

Wash stones. Apply bright acrylic paint in amusing 70s shapes. Outline in sharpie and coat in acrylic gloss. Carry around in gay basket. Never do it again because it took way longer than you planned (3 days). I will let you guess which ones Ruby helped with...


Anonymous said...


Han Stoney said...

Shayla! You made my day and I am so with you, I have a crafting problem too. But there's nothing like being pent up to make you productive.

Shayla said...

Thanks Hannah! I'm not so sure that making painted rocks qualifies as productive, but in the movie of my life Jesse will probably use one to kill evil robot Goliath and save the world.

Gathering Black Wool said...

I love these rocks so freakin' much! Everyone should have a basketful because I think these rocks might be the answer to the world's sadness.