Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chapter closed

We're getting to the age when our friends are becoming grown-ups. Bill payin' nice car drivin', home ownin' real job gettin' growed up punks. I don't think I like it. Well, it's awesome to see them become parents and be able to afford to eat steaks, but somehow it means not as much kickball, earlier bedtimes and Surprise! we're moving to New York because my beautiful genius new wife is a lawyer now.

Anthony and Liz, I hope you take that city by the proverbial horns, wrassle it into a filthy alley, and pour lonestar down it's subway-loving throat.

Here are a couple of dark pictures from their farewell party at Rio Rita, the babies loved the fish tank wall and doing face plants on the uneven patio.

You guys, Misprint magazine is dying with the exodus of Anthony. WHAT THE WHAT? Now what are all of our friends going to read in the bathroom?? Seriously though, this is a double tragedy. No more bees, no more Easter egg hunts, no more snarky hilarious articles on music, beards and giant squids. It ain't christian I tell ya.

Hopefully shitmyjorts.com will remain actively ridiculous and they will get the Misprint compilation bound in time for my birthday, Evan.

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